Kienda Betrue
The title of the book tells the whole story, The Dragon Quartet: A History of Dragons in the Universe, from the Black League of Aldebaran, to the White Dragon of Sirius B, to the Red Dragon in the White Garden of Eden, to How to Incubate your Dragon Using Quantum Biology. This Indiana Jones-style spiritual experience began in the 1980s and, continuing to the present, is something of which all humanity might like to become conscious, since it affects everyone in the world. It is a metaphor for the quantum leap we are taking to master ourselves and create heaven on Earth (for a little while at least.)
Click on the box below to read the History of the Dragons
Dragon Consciousness: The Transformation of the Reptilian Brain Stem
A History of Dragons in the Universe, from the Black League of Aldebaran, to the White Dragon of Sirius B, to the Red Dragon in the White Garden of Eden, to How to Incubate your Dragon Using Quantum Biology